K-TEC 155 S
Clamping Unit
kN Clamping Force
mm Tie Bar Clearance (H x V)
mm Clamping Platens Size (H x V)
mm Mold Opening Stroke
mm Distance Between Platens max.
mm Mold Installation Height min./max.
kg Mold Weight max. (movin xed)
kN Opening Force
kN Ejector Force
mm Ejector Stroke
s – mm Dry Cyle (Euromap 6) 1)
Injection Unit
mm Screw Diameter
bar Injection Pressure max.
Stroke Volume max.
g Injected Weight max. (PS)
mm Screw Stroke
mm Unit Stroke
kN Nozzle Holding Force
Injection Rate
min -1 Screw Speed
g/s Recovery Rate 2)
L/D Active Screw Length3)
qty Number of Heating Zones
kW Total Heating Capacity
General Data
kW Total Connected Power4)
m Machine Dimensions (L x W x H)
kg Net Weight
l Oil Tank Capacity
1) Stroke = 70% Tie Bar Clearance, 70% Clamping Force 2) For PS: 10 s Cycle Time, 1,5 D Screw Stroke 3) Other L/D on Request
4) According to Ferromatik Milacr ion 5) Option
V = Vertical
H = Horizontal
PB = Piggy Back
T = Traversing
VM = Vertical Monosandwich
HM = Horizontal Monosandwich
2nd Injection Unit Optional with Position
500 x 500 (560 x 560) 5)
750 x 750 (810 x 830) 5)
300 / –
1.200 / 600
2 – 350
265 493 970
30 35 40 40 45 50 45 50 60
2.292 1.964 1.504 2.240 1.936 1.568 2.294 2.058 1.429
99 135 176 201 254 314 382 471 679
90 123 160 183 231 286 375 429 618
140 160 240
240 290 400
47 47 63
280 380 495 570 720 885 636 785 1.131
400 320 300
15 20 28 25 32 40 28 44 55
20 20 17,3 20 21,4 19,3 22 24,2 20
4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1
6,4 10,4 10,4 12,7 14,5 14,5 16,1 18,8 18,8
155 – 265 155 – 493 155 – 970
34 37 37 39 40 40 41 43 43
5,52 x 1,73 x 2,36 5,52 x 1,73 x 2,36 6,39 x 1,73 x 2,36
7.600 7.800 8.200
480 480 480
2nd Injection Unit Optional
K-TEC 175 S / K-TEC 200 S
175 / 200
1.750 / 2.000
560 x 560 (630 x 630, 750 x 750) 5)
830 x 935 (970 x 1.035, 1.110 x 1.165) 5)
295 / –
1.450 / 700
119 / 134
1,6 – 392
493 1000 1650
40 45 50 50 60 60 70
2.240 1.936 1.568 2.268 1.575 2.144 1.575
201 254 314 441 636 763 1.039
183 231 286 401 579 694 946
160 225 270
290 525 525
47 63 115
570 720 885 1.480 2.000 1.480 2.000
330 320 275
25 32 40 52 65 60 67
20 21,4 19,3 22 18,3 22 18,6
12,7 14,5 14,5 18,2 18,2 22,7 22,7
175 / 200 – 493 175 / 200 – 1000 175 / 200 – 1650
46 47 47 50 71
6,85 x 2,04 x 2,55 6,87 x 2,04 x 2,55 7,30 x 2,04 x 2,55
12.000 13.000 13.800
500 500 500
K-TEC 250 S / K-TEC 275 S
250 / 275
2.500 / 2.750
630 x 630 (750 x 750, 825 x 825) 5)
970 x 1035 (1.110 x 1.165, 1.110 x 1.195) 5)
345 / –
2.400 / 1.150
144 / 163
1,8 – 441
1000 1650 2650
50 60 60 70 70 80
2.268 1.575 2.144 1.575 2.175 1.665
441 636 763 1.039 1.213 1.583
401 579 694 946 1.104 1.441
225 270 315
525 525 525
63 115 115
1.480 2.000 1.480 2.000 1.550 2.000
320 275 240
52 65 60 67 73 85
22 18,3 22 18,6 22 19,3
18,2 18,2 22,7 22,7 30,7 30,7
250 / 275 – 1000 250 / 275 – 1650 250 / 275 – 2650
68 71 77
7,49 x 2,16 x 2,66 7,76 x 2,16 x 2,66 8,22 x 2,16 x 2,66
15.500 16.000 18.500
680 680 680
111 : V – H – PB – T
mm 18 25 30 mm Screw Diameter
265 : V – H – PB – T
mm 30 35 40 mm Screw Diameter
493 : V – H – PB – T – VM
mm 40 45 50 mm Screw Diameter
1000 : H – HM
mm 45 50 60 mm Screw Diameter
K-TEC 320 S / K-TEC 350 S
320 / 350
3.200 / 3.500
750 x 750 (825 x 825) 5)
1.110 x 1.165 (1.110 x 1.195) 5)
380 / –
3.000 / 1.500
2,1 – 525
320 / 350 – 1000 320 / 350 – 1650 320 / 350 – 2650
7,69 x 2,22 x 2,76 8,02 x 2,22 x 2,76 8,44 x 2,22 x 2,76
20.500 21.000 22.000
970 : T 1000 : H – HM
2650 : HM
mm 70 80 mm Screw Diameter
K-TEC 400 S / K-TEC 450 S
400 / 450
4.000 / 4.500
825 x 825 (900 x 900, 1.000 x 1.000) 5)
1.195 x 1.267 (1.270 x 1.345, 1.370 x 1.445) 5)
420 / –
4.000 / 2.000
181 / 205
3 – 578
1650 2650 4400
60 70 70 80 80 90 100
2.144 1.575 2.175 1.665 2.431 1.921 1.556
763 1.039 1.213 1.583 1.810 2.290 2.825
694 946 1.104 1.441 1.647 2.084 2.571
270 315 360
115 115 115
1.480 2.000 1.550 2.000 2.250 2.850 3.550
275 240 190
60 67 73 85 80 103 128
22 18,6 22 19,3 22,5 20 18
22,7 22,7 30,7 30,7 48,4 48,4 48,4
400 / 450 – 1650 400 / 450 – 2650 400 / 450 – 4400
71 77 109
8,38 x 2,33 x 3,03 8,86 x 2,33 x 3,03 9,56 x 2,33 x 3,03
26.000 27.000 30.000
1.000 1.000 1.000
2. Spritzeinheit optional mit Anordnung 2nd Injection Unit Optional with Position
Schneckendurchmesser mm 18 25 30 mm Screw Diameter
Schneckendurchmesser mm 30 35 40 mm Screw Diameter
493 : V – H – PB – T
Schneckendurchmesser mm 40 45 50 mm Screw Diameter
Schneckendurchmesser mm 45 50 60 mm Screw Diameter
Schneckendurchmesser mm 70 80 mm Screw Diameter
4400 : HM
Schneckendurchmesser mm 80 90 100 mm Screw Diameter
K-TEC 175 S / K-TEC 200 S
kN Clamping Force
mm Tie Bar Clearance (H x V)
mm Clamping Platens Size (H x V)
mm Mold Opening Stroke
mm Distance Between Platens max.
mm Mold Installation Height min./max.
kg Mold Weight max. (movin xed)
kN Opening Force
kN Ejector Force
mm Ejector Stroke
s – mm Dry Cyle (Euromap 6) 1)
Injection Unit
mm Screw Diameter
bar Injection Pressure max.
Stroke Volume max.
g Injected Weight max. (PS)
mm Screw Stroke
mm Unit Stroke
kN Nozzle Holding Force
Injection Rate
min -1 Screw Speed
g/s Recovery Rate 2)
L/D Active Screw Length3)
qty Number of Heating Zones
kW Total Heating Capacity
General Data
kW Total Connected Power4)
m Machine Dimensions (L x W x H)
kg Net Weight
l Oil Tank Capacity
1) Stroke = 70% Tie Bar Clearance, 70% Clamping Force 2) For PS: 10 s Cycle Time, 1,5 D Screw Stroke 3) Other L/D on Request
4) According to Ferromatik Milacr ion 5) Option
V = Vertical
H = Horizontal
PB = Piggy Back
T = Traversing
VM = Vertical Monosandwich
HM = Horizontal Monosandwich
2nd Injection Unit Optional with Position
175 / 200
1.750 / 2.000
560 x 560 (630 x 630, 750 x 750) 5)
830 x 935 (970 x 1.035, 1.110 x 1.165) 5)
295 / –
1.450 / 700
119 / 134
1,6 – 392
493 1000 1650
40 45 50 50 60 60 70
2.240 1.936 1.568 2.268 1.575 2.144 1.575
201 254 314 441 636 763 1.039
183 231 286 401 579 694 946
160 225 270
290 525 525
47 63 115
570 720 885 1.480 2.000 1.480 2.000
330 320 275
25 32 40 52 65 60 67
20 21,4 19,3 22 18,3 22 18,6
4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1
12,7 14,5 14,5 18,2 18,2 22,7 22,7
175 / 200 – 493 175 / 200 – 1000 175 / 200 – 1650
46 47 47 50 71
6,85 x 2,04 x 2,55 6,87 x 2,04 x 2,55 7,30 x 2,04 x 2,55
12.000 13.000 13.800
500 500 500
111 : V – H – PB – T – VM
mm 18 25 30 mm Screw Diameter
265 : V – H – PB – T – VM
mm 30 35 40 mm Screw Diameter
493 : V – H – T – VM
mm 40 45 50 mm Screw Diameter
1000 : H – HM
mm 45 50 60 mm Screw Diamete
K-TEC 250 S / K-TEC 275 S
Clamping Unit
kN Clamping Force
mm Tie Bar Clearance (H x V)
mm Clamping Platens Size (H x V)
mm Mold Opening Stroke
mm Distance Between Platens max.
mm Mold Installation Height min./max.
kg Mold Weight max. (movin xed)
kN Opening Force
kN Ejector Force
mm Ejector Stroke
s – mm Dry Cyle (Euromap 6) 1)
Injection Unit
mm Screw Diameter
bar Injection Pressure max.
Stroke Volume max.
g Injected Weight max. (PS)
mm Screw Stroke
mm Unit Stroke
kN Nozzle Holding Force
Injection Rate
min -1 Screw Speed
g/s Recovery Rate 2)
L/D Active Screw Length3)
qty Number of Heating Zones
kW Total Heating Capacity
General Data
kW Total Connected Power4)
m Machine Dimensions (L x W x H)
kg Net Weight
l Oil Tank Capacity
1) Stroke = 70% Tie Bar Clearance, 70% Clamping Force 2) For PS: 10 s Cycle Time, 1,5 D Screw Stroke 3) Other L/D on Request
4) According to Ferromatik Milacr ion 5) Option
V = Vertical
H = Horizontal
PB = Piggy Back
T = Traversing
VM = Vertical Monosandwich
HM = Horizontal Monosandwich
K-TEC 250 S / K-TEC 275 S
250 / 275
2.500 / 2.750
630 x 630 (750 x 750, 825 x 825) 5)
970 x 1035 (1.110 x 1.165, 1.110 x 1.195) 5)
345 / –
2.400 / 1.150
144 / 163
1,8 – 441
1000 1650 2650
50 60 60 70 70 80
2.268 1.575 2.144 1.575 2.175 1.665
441 636 763 1.039 1.213 1.583
401 579 694 946 1.104 1.441
225 270 315
525 525 525
63 115 115
1.480 2.000 1.480 2.000 1.550 2.000
320 275 240
52 65 60 67 73 85
22 18,3 22 18,6 22 19,3
4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1
18,2 18,2 22,7 22,7 30,7 30,7
250 / 275 – 1000 250 / 275 – 1650 250 / 275 – 2650
68 71 77
7,49 x 2,16 x 2,66 7,76 x 2,16 x 2,66 8,22 x 2,16 x 2,66
15.500 16.000 18.500
680 680 680
2nd Injection Unit Optional with Position
111 : V – H – PB – T
mm 18 25 30 mm Screw Diameter
265 : V – H – PB – T
mm 30 35 40 mm Screw Diameter
493 : V – H – PB – T – VM
mm 40 45 50 mm Screw Diameter
1000 : H – HM
mm 45 50 60 mm Screw Diameter